Monday, October 6, 2008

In the beginning...

I've blogged all over the internet since I was a tweenager, but now it's time I've graduated to my very own big kids blog.

I spent the last year of my life working on my senior film, Rise and Shine Recycle Time which you can see here:

I submitted it to the Ottawa International Animation Festival, Chicago Children's Festival, and the Animation Block Party. I didn't get into a one of them. Perhaps I was shooting for the stars with these, but I was quite discouraged. I haven't even looked into sending it to another fest since then. If nothing else, submission fees ripped a hole in my pocket. I dropped about $85 on fees and I my work didn't even get screened. For someone in the throws of post college poverty, $85 is a small fortune. My professor said I should keep trying, and he's probably right. I suppose I just need the right encouragement. My prospects for employment (or should I say, lack there of) and the rejection of my film has made me feel like I should probably go back to the drawing board.

And so I did.

I'm in the midst of creating a new personal film about a fat woman on a trampoline and the subsequent havok it causes in her surrounding area. I haven't completely boarded it out, because frankly, I haven't been able to decide how it should end. I'm completely open to suggestions from anyone who reads this.

So far I've animated the opening sequence which contains these first 7 shots:

I also animated a cycle of this little dog bouncing off the shaking ground caused by her impacts. The backgrounds are temporary at the moment. I just wanted to see how it would look with the panning and the camera shaking.

Needless to say, the damage caused in cut away scenes needs to grow as her jumping increases. I figured I should start small, probably with that dog I showed, then perhaps move in this order-

1. flowers in a garden getting uprooted. flowers like this -->

2. a baby breastfeeding. the boob flies up in the air and hits the kid in the face when it starts crying. I want to make this an infinite loop.

3. a team of professional badminton players (whom may be instrumental in the fatty's demise)

4. killer whales in their tanks at sea world

5. houses cracking and jumping off their foundations

6. earthquake on the news and shots of people picketing claiming the end of the world

If any of these don't sound potentially funny, alert me, immediately. keep me from wasting my time. Also, feel free to suggest something else. Actually, don't feel free. You're OBLIGATED to give me suggestions. I want to hear them!!!

1 comment:

Elliot Cowan said...

Oh sure - I've seen recycle time.
I was at the ASIFA open screening and maybe even met you there.