Since I last wrote I worked on some hand drawn animation for a Billy Joel documentary. I think it's pretty nice looking. I'll post it when I have the final composited versions. I'm hoping that'll be later this week.
So I finally decided to bite the bullet and do some After Effects tutorials. I made this little clip for the beginning of my reel. It's a hell of a lot shorter than the last opening clip I made, and hopefully funnier. Tutorials are probably the best way to learn. Everyone was right. I was just lazy until now.
Next I'm going to work on doing a puppeted animation in AE with that adorable little bear from the iPod cases I posted below. I figure it'll be good to have some puppet stuff on my reel. Perhaps that'll help me get into Little Airplane. Who knows.
One of the people at the Billy Joel project referred me to Asteriks, but I still haven't heard back and it's been nearly 2 weeks. I'm nervous. I guess it's time to send another email, but I'm always paranoid I'm going to be annoying people by doing that. Uggggggggh.
In other news, I AM MOVING IN SEPTEMBER. I'm getting a sublet and getting the hell out of here even if it means I'm just working in a grocery store. It's time for me to go. Emmaus is a dead end.