Friday, October 10, 2008

A Wee Bit of Progress...

So I may have finally come across a small glimmer of success in the sea of dissapointments I've been experiencing lately. Looks like I have an animation test being sent my way from Soup2Nuts. Hooray! Finally! Let's hope this works out well for me. I can't bare the thought of getting a job at the mall. It's degrading. I filled out a bunch of stupid applications yesterday and realized that I appear grossly overqualified for retail jobs.

In other news, the quest to get fellow 2d character animators to converse with me via email is still going miserably. I heard back from one person so far, and they gave me a helpful tip or two, but never responded to my second email. As for everyone else, I can't say I've heard a word. Is this normal or am I doing something horribly wrong? It's really hard to tell. I get familiar with their work, ask them questions about themselves, drop the reference names, and send them a link to my reel asking for nothing more than advice. According to the How To Survive and Thrive, Your Career in Animation by Dave Levy, I seem to be doing this all right. It's a pretty simple formula, yet it's proving ineffective for me. I wish I knew why so I could change it to better suit my needs.

Perhaps the key is calling people and trying to weasel in an appointment in person? That method seems a bit invasive though, and last time I called a studio looking for a specific person they weren't even there. It's quite hard to get in touch with animators I'm finding. Maybe I really do have the worst timing in the world. It sure seems that way sometimes.

This just about sums it up:

In other totally unrelated news, I am so sore from the aerobics class from hell that I can barely walk! Getting up or down from a chair or step is excruciating. I think I'll spend my day on the computer so I don't have to get up. Ha.

1 comment:

Elliot Cowan said...

It is a complex situation, but if you have the talent and the ability to ask properly and have patience, it'll all work out.